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Dear Member,


We have recently launched our COVID Response Survey highlighting the need for the council to ensure that it has contingency planning and clear leadership as a priority during this pandemic.

With the survey now closed your union branch officials have taken the position that a collective grievance is required by all education-based staff to ensure their health and safety within the workplace is not compromised at this time.

I have written to your employer last week asking them to establish community-based hubs and to introduce staffing rotas to limit the number of buildings open at this time of national lockdown.

The council have instead adopted a fragmented approach to service delivery within schools by not limiting the total number of building open nor operating a universal rota system that ensures staff safety.

It is frankly unacceptable that your employer has deemed the entire workforce are essential workers given this increase in community transmission of the virus when you could be working from home on a rotational basis.

It is important that all our members sign this collective grievance to ensure that we have a united GMB voice across Aberdeen City Council schools.

Scotland’s forgotten workforce of school cleaners, clerical and catering staff, janitors and pupil support assistants should come together to demand the same level of protection afforded to other associated professionals within the city at this time.

Please encourage and share our grievance with fellow colleagues from across the Aberdeen City Council school network to show your solidarity.  The importance of health and safety provision for our members within their workplace should be the biggest priority of your employer at this time.

Please click the link to your sign your support

Kind regards

Stephen Massey
GMB Regional Organiser

Posted: 14th January 2021

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