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Regional News

Strikes begin at Scottish Water after pay talks collapse
Workers walk out after publicly-owned utility finds cash for record executive bonuses but not a fair pay rise...
Workers rally at Holryood to protect care homes in crisis
GMB Scotland members demonstrate at Scottish Parliament after five years of broken promises of better conditions since lockdown...
Care home staff rallying at Holyrood will meet ministers
Workers demonstrating at Scottish Parliament will highlight broken promises of fair pay and better conditions five years after lockdown...
Care home staff ‘abandoned and betrayed’ after Covid
Workers in private sector reveal conditions have not improved since lockdown before rallying at Holyrood for fair pay...
Workers and families unite to save lifeline care service
Relatives urge councillors to save crucial but threatened support for some of Glasgow's most vulnerable citizens...
Care workers to rally at Holyrood after five years of broken promises
Members in social care will gather at Scottish Parliament on the anniversary of the pandemic to call for action on pay and conditions...
Strikes at Scottish Water as pay talks collapse
GMB Scotland serves notice of action after accusing the utility company of sabotaging negotiations...
Council workers vote on strikes to halt 'fire and rehire' in Aberdeen
GMB members at Aberdeen City Council balloted on action after council refuses to lift threat of imposing new contracts...
Nurses launch first strike action in NHS Scotland for years
District nurses, backed by GPs, to take industrial action after seven-year fight for pay rise promised by NHS Tayside...
Workers vote to strike for fair pay at Scottish Water
GMB Scotland members at utility company back industrial action after overwhelmlingly rejecting pay offer...